Massage and Sound Therapy Studio Zen
Varna, 3, Borovets St.-
from 60 BGN
Partial Classic Massage 45 min.50 BGN select
40 BGN select
70 BGN select
70 BGN select
90 BGN select
from 50 BGN
70 BGN select
75 BGN select
from 30 BGN
60 BGN select
from 40 BGN
60 BGN select
75 BGN select
75 BGN select
Magnesium Oil Massage 1 h.70 BGN select
Organic Coconut Oil Massage 1 h.70 BGN select
Massage and Sound Therapy Studio Zen
Varna, Galata, 3, Borovets St.
About Massage and Sound Therapy Studio Zen
At the Zen Massage and Sound Therapy Studio, immerse yourself in a cozy and tranquil atmosphere filled with harmony, transporting you to a state of bliss. Here, you can unwind and completely escape the stress of everyday life. Experience professional and attentive service from a qualified specialist who tailors their approach to meet your individual needs. Discover a wide variety of massages designed to suit your preferences. I use professional-grade products, focusing on technique and uncompromising quality. Come and enjoy the peace and pleasure of shared moments at Zen Studio. I look forward to welcoming you!
Working hours
- Monday 10:30 - 20:00
- Tuesday day off
- Wednesday 10:30 - 20:00
- Thursday 10:30 - 20:00
- Friday day off
- Saturday 12:00 - 20:00
- Sunday day off